Award Judging

The jury requires each applicant to submit a statement of objectives for the completed projects that includes a description of how the project meets those objectives.

Entries will also be judged on the following:

Sustainable Building and Landscape Features including:

  • Green building technology and construction
  • Other design or operational innovations directed at reducing GHG emissions, and/or reducing energy consumption in building operations.
  • Approaches to reduce embodied carbon during construction
  • Sustainable stormwater and groundwater management
  • Recycling and re-use
  • How the project has gone above and beyond green requirements creating benefits not originally required.

Transit Oriented Development (where applicable)
Judging will be based upon integration with the transit system and bike/pedestrian infrastructure as well as how the project contributes to the development of a compact and complete neighbourhood.

Community Integration

  • Projects which are sensitively and skillfully integrated within the prevailing neighbourhood context or urban environment.
  • Social Impact Assessment (e.g. positive impacts on marginalized communities)

Innovative Communications and Marketing
Projects which demonstrate effective sales and/or leasing campaigns and incorporate innovative marketing approaches/technologies.

Innovative Design Features

  • Projects which contain unique or outstanding architectural, landscape and/or technological features.
  • Filled an unmet need in the community, for example, a floor plan that addressed a specific need for flexible space or added an amenity or service that would not have otherwise been available.

Other Criteria That Can Be Considered

  • Value for money of sustainable building/landscape features
  • Affordability of projects
  • Use of space – internal and external
  • Construction materials and processes (e.g. use of prefabricated materials)
  • Unique selling points
  • "Out of the Box" thinking

The Jury

All projects submitted for consideration will be evaluated by a special jury of industry leaders. The jury represents all facets of real estate development including planning, finance, design and marketing.

Jury Process

The jury will undertake an initial review of each project by evaluating the material submitted. In some instances, the jury may require additional information from the applicant or a site visit may be requested. Any juror will recuse themselves from judging any project that they have been involved with.